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OBJECTION! - by ozwalled


The idea here was Tomato's, from the EB Art Idea Factory topic in the forums. More or less, it's supposed to be a cross of EarthBound's Caveboy from Stonehenge, Saturday Night Live's "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer" (played by the late Phil Hartman), and Phoenix Wright.

It was made by badly tracing and modifying a Phoenix Wright screenshot.

Tomato's words, which made this possible: "Cave Boy as SNL's Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, in Phoenix Wright style, but using his usual "I'm just a simple caveman" speech."

PERFECT 10! The score will say 1.10, but it's actually 10.

Other Submissions by ozwalled

Author Sort Ascending Sort Descending Title Sort Ascending Sort Descending Description Sort Ascending Sort Descending Date Sort Ascending Sort Descending Rank Sort Ascending Sort Descending
ozwalled Klay and Clay
Klaymen (The Neverhood/ Skullmonkeys) vs. Clayman (Mother 3)
8/7/08 0.00
ozwalled EVE (again)
EVE, from Mother 1.

More or less, experimenting with Painter.
8/7/08 0.00
ozwalled Scott Pilgrim: Mother 2 shirt
From p.197 of the fourth book of the Scott Pilgrim comic series, entitled Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together.

This panel depicts Scott wearing a Mother 2 shirt, yelling at his roommate and friend, Wallace Wells.

Scott Pilgrim is awesome, and SOON to have a movie based on it, made by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz). The comic's awesome, so you should read it!

I'm a Scottoholic!
8/7/08 9.00
ozwalled ANAglyph
Pop your 3D glasses on, and feel the heat! This one's very simple, but works pretty well.

Made thanks to some free Hannah Montana 3D glasses obtained from a Michigan City Wal-Mart.
8/7/08 8.00
ozwalled Ness Anaglyph
My very first attempt at red/blue 3D. It's not perfect, especially in the shoes, but oh well.

Requires 3D glasses, of course.

Made thanks to some free Hannah Montana 3D glasses obtained from a Michigan City Wal-Mart
8/7/08 0.00


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